Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Realism in Spanish Cinema @ Instituto Cervantes Nueva York

While other European cinematography’s of the same era, such as French or Italian, enjoy wide recognition, the Spanish cinema of the 50’s has not been sufficiently disseminated in the United States. This cinema series brings together a dozen works of great artistic merit, which together provide an in-depth portrait of one of the harshest decades of the Franco dictatorship

Welcome Mr. Marshall.

Villar del Río is a peaceful, poor and forgotten town, where nothing new ever happens and the routine is the same day in and day out. Now the arrival of singer Carmen Vargas and her manager and agent have shaken up the town’s boring life. That same morning, a government representative suddenly shows up to announce the imminent arrival of a commission from the Marshall Plan. On hearing of the news, the town mayor, a good-natured albeit a slightly deaf man, decides to dress all the denizens in the purest Andalusian style to welcome the visitors. Juan Antonio Bardem and Luis García Berlanga, assisted by Mihura, wrote this corrosive story based on the unease Spain felt at being left out of the distribution of US aid (aka the Marshall Plan), which aimed to reconstruct a Europe ravaged by the World War.

Age Of Infidelity

María José, una joven dama de la burguesía madrileña, y su amante Juan, un profesor universitario, atropellan accidentalmente, a un ciclista. Se detienen para comprobar su estado. Juan se acerca al moribundo, pero, interpelado por ella, se detiene y retrocede. Acto seguido, ambos suben al coche, y huyen repentinamente atormentados por el remordimiento, que les perseguirá a cada momento hasta que descubren que nadie sabe nada de lo sucedido.

Other Films:


The Apartment.

Main Street.

The Whole Life Ahead.

The Rascals.


The Executioner.

El Cochecito.


11/05/2010 (18:00 h)


Instituto Cervantes - Auditorio
211-215 East 49th Street