Tuesday, January 13, 2009

CHEQUERAO: Knife Singer's Solo Album out Today!!!

Some us simply stopped waiting after The Knife's 2006 release Silent Shout but alas, 2009 brings some Knife related news to get rowled up about!
Karin Dreijer Andersson, one half of the Nordic brother and sister duo, released a self titled record today under the moniker Fever Ray which can be downloaded via MUTE.
On a recent interview with MUTE Karin says “I had so many songs to record that I just had to make an album. I thought I was going to have a longer break but I guess it will never happen. I can't stop working. My aim was to finish the album and now that it's done I'm a bit restless (good that The Knife has an opera to write then.) During the last years I discovered that I like to sing too, so I hope that my newly found live band will make it to the stages next year. We are rehearsing and building something beautiful and brilliant." and for that Lesheshi cannot wait!!

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