Friday, March 13, 2009

25 Hottest Urban Legends

    Reverse PIN Panic Code
  1. Item claims entering one's PIN in reverse at any ATM summons the police.
  2. Social Security
  3. Items about the U.S. Social Security system.
  4. Swiffer WetJet
  5. Warning about the Swiffer WetJet posing a general danger to dogs and other pets.
  6. Gay Jesus Film
  7. Petition protests an upcoming film that will portray Jesus as gay.
  8. 809 Area Code Scam
  9. Warning about scammers' sending pages from the 809 area code.
  10. Blair Holt Bill
  11. A bill before Congress would prohibit ownership of handguns by those who have not obtained firearm licenses.
  12. McDonald's Beef Imports
  13. Item protests McDonald's importation of foreign beef for use in their restaurants.
  14. Cell Phone Directory and Telemarketers
  15. Warning that cell phone numbers are about to be given to telemarketers.
  16. #-9-0 Phone Scam
  17. Warning about scammers' running up long-distance charges by asking victims to press #-9-0 on their telephones.
  18. #77 or *677 Cell Phone Notification
  19. E-mail advises contacting police by calling #77 (or *677) on a cell phone.
  20. Intexticated
  21. Photographs show the results of an automobile accident caused by an 'intexticated' driver.
  22. Postcard / Greeting Card Virus
  23. E-mailed computer virus masquerades as a postcard from a friend or family member.
  24. Nancy Pelosi
  25. Items about Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi.
  26. PPA Recall Alert
  27. FDA health advisory regarding drugs containing PPA (phenylpropanolamine).
  28. Muslims Out of Australia!
  29. Article compiles statements from Australian government officials about Sharia law and Muslim extremists.
  30. Tiger Woods Inaugural Speech
  31. Tiger Woods' speech at the 2009 pre-inauguration festivities.
  32. Burundanga Business Cards
  33. Warning about criminals' using burundanga-soaked business cards to incapacitate their victims.
  34. Cocoa Mulch
  35. Warning that a chemical found in cocoa mulch can be harmful to pets.
  36. Microwaved Water Warning
  37. Warning that water boiled in a microwave oven can suddenly "explode."
  38. 'Life Is Beautiful' Virus
  39. Warning about the "Life Is Beautiful" PowerPoint-based computer virus.
  40. Dr. Sam Vaknin
  41. Article attributed to Dr. Sam Vaknin warns that Barack Obama is a narcissist.
  42. Bakken Formation
  43. Article describes untapped oil reserves in the Bakken Formation.
  44. Mail Server Report
  45. Information about the "Mail Server Report" computer virus.
  46. Kathy Griffin
  47. Kathy Griffin's controversial speech at the 2007 Emmy Awards ceremony.
  48. Aspartame
  49. Warning about medical ailments caused by the artificial sweetener aspartame.


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